Current Investments
Prior Investments*
*Prior to the formation of Hudson Glade, Mr. Simon held a number of positions during his nearly twenty years at his prior investment firm. For the last 14 years of his tenure, Mr. Simon was a Partner, Managing Director and member of the Investment Committee at his prior firm. Mr. Simon held a board seat on each of the boards of the Prior Investments except Eliokem and, along with other members of the prior investment firm, was substantially involved in consummating and managing the Prior Investments. The Prior Investments do not represent Mr. Simon’s investment activity in its entirety during his time at his prior investment firm. There is no assurance that the results achieved by any one of the Prior Investments will be achieved by Hudson Glade. One or more of the Prior Investments may be in a sector, strategy or situation that is not pursued by Hudson Glade. In addition, not all of the Prior Investments are fully realized and there is no assurance that a successful exit will be achieved.